Multimedia and Human Computer Relations Final Project Contribution

My roles for this final project include the design for the power-up HUD’s (Heads Up  Display) design  which includes the power-up’s logo,counter, and timer. I was also responsible for the Destroy power-up which is used by the player to destroy all cells currently on the screen.

Another task of mine is to include one of the most important requirements of any game, a pause function which can be used by player to stop the game temporarily. I aso did the shop’s design, layout and the way the player purchase power-ups. I designed and created the game over screen.I also helped to design and program the game’s  tutorial.


Power-Up HUD Design:

The game needed a way for players to see important information about the power-ups that they have bought, so my idea was to add 4 lines or bars to the HUD which contained the important data for each power-up. For the power-up HUD, Each of those lines include a logo to specify which data is for which power-up, a counter for the number of power-ups you bought on the left side of the logo, for example, if you bought Freeze twice and Slow once, there will be the number 2 next to the Freeze logo, and the number 1 next to the Slow logo.

There is also a timer indicator on the right side of the logo,so for example, when you use a skill like Freeze which lasts for 10 seconds, there will be a timer for 10 seconds next to the Freeze logo . (Freeze and Slow lasts for 10 seconds while Cell Wall lasts for 5 seconds)

Lastly, When you have used up all of your skills, for example you bought Freeze once and you used it, the logo and the counter of Freeze will dissapear.


Destroy Power-Up:

I was also responsible for creating and designing the Destroy power-up which can be used by the player to destroy all cells currently on the screen. For the Destroy power-up, it only destroys the cells that was at the screen during the execution process so all cells spawned after the power-up has been used will not be destroyed.

Furthermore, The skill has a cooldown period of 30 seconds. We added this cooldown so that the player will not just spam or keep using the same skill over and over again.



In our opinion, we believe that all games should have a pause function, so for this project, the task of creating a pause function was handed down to me. The pause function is very simple, when the player pressed the space bar, the game will pause and a pause sprite will appear in the center of the screen and all functions in the game will be stopped. The game will also start again, when you press the space bar for a second time.


Shop Design & Layout:

I also created the shop’s design and layout, for the design, i used the same background from the main game for consistency and I made it very simple for the player to use, there is a counter for the amount of money the  player has earned and there are 4 bars for each power-up with a description of each power-up on the left side of the screen and a buy button with the price of the power-up on the screen on the right side.


The shop’s purchase function was also made by me, the way  purchasing power-ups worked is the system checks if the amount of money the player has is greater or equal to the price of the power-up, if it is, the counter for the specific power-up will increase by the number of power-ups the player has bought.


Game Over Screen:

I also created the game over screen which is activated only when the player’s life counter drops to 0, the design of the game over screen is also very simple where it has the same background as the game and shop,some text that shows the amount of money the payer has earned and it only has 2 buttons, Retry and Main Menu where the retry button restarts the game and the Main Menu button leads the player to the main menu.



I also designed some parts of the game’s tutorial. The parts that i design include the last page and some information edits for the first page where i added more information about reading the cell’s information and how the user can use this knowledge to help increase his/her skill in the game. The final page of the tutorial contains information about the power-ups and their unique individual skills.

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